Embodying love,
authenticity, wholeness
and connection.

Hey Sweet Souls, I'm Tayla Jean Watson + I hold space for women to transform their heavy energy into light, through the divine feminine medicine of cacao, spirit & ceremony, I am a cosmic connector of moon sisters and I facilitate women to embody movement as medicine through yoga & dance.

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Beings of light, may you truth seek, follow your expressive tingles and dare to dream in your divine dream.

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Cacao Ceremonies

Gather in circle underneath the heart fuelled Full Moon. Connect with your your heart, creativity, love and purpose through the medicine of Cacao, her gift is gentle and transformative.


Private & Group
Yoga Sessions

I like to create opportunities for students to connect to their inner spiritual self, mother earth, and support an awakening to their path of healing. and deepen their practice of yoga.

Image: Yoni Pleasure Palace

Yoni Boudoir

These boudoirs are a perfect excuse for us as women to connect and come together to bathe in our feminine nature and to talk about our Yoni’s, pelvic floor health as well as our womb/heart connections.